Myth, Magic, & Medicine
An introduction to getting to know yourself as a Sacred Storyteller

Myth, Magic, and Medicine is a three-part audio course that invites you into the transformative world of sacred storytelling.

Spotting and Being with Myth

This section teaches you how to be present with a story, letting it reveal its deeper truths.
Becoming the Magician of Your Story
This section is all about discovering your magic and using it to shape the stories that define you.
Amplifying Your Unique Medicine
This part of the course guides you in amplifying your authentic voice, ensuring that your stories carry the power to inspire, connect, and bring about change.

"Expansive and Essential"

"Leah’s work is rich, expansive, and essential. She isn’t just a storyteller and her work is not just about storytelling. Leah is a midwife holding space for the creative force to move through us and birth a new paradigm."
~Claudette Thomas

"Masterful Guidance"
"Leah’s work is rich, expansive, and essential. She isn’t just a storyteller and her work is not just about storytelling. Leah is a midwife holding space for the creative force to move through us and birth a new paradigm."
~Elizabeth Gould
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Storytelling Mystic Membership

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Full Moon Gatherings.

Creative Jam 2 hours.

You can cancel your membership at anytime. Members who participate for 6 months gain free access to 1 day online retreats.

Add to cart$33.00

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  • Total payment
  • 1xMyth, Magic, & Medicine Study on Your Own$33

All prices in USD